New York, N.Y. -- A flock of geese, bound for the warmer waters of Charlotte, N.C., was almost wiped out by an airliner which flew directly into the V-shaped flock in the air north of New York's La Guardia Airport. Only two geese survived.
Both landed safely on the Hudson River.
Having sustained damage to its engines, the airliner also landed on the Hudson.
"We didn't even see it coming," said Loosey Goosey, who flew on the outer fringes of the V. "Mother Goose took a direct hit and fell immediately. Fred and Gertrude were sucked into one engine, Eggbert was pulled into the other. It was awful."
"All I saw were feathers flying," said Canada, who was flying next to Loosey in the formation. "It's so sad. Those planes should honk or something.
Both Loosey and Canada are awaiting another flock before continuing their migration but say they will not return to the waters near the airport.
The International Committee on Safe Migration is planning a full investigation.