Monday, May 17, 2010

Tiger the cat versus Tiger the golfer

We have a large orange cat named Tiger. Since the day after Thanksgiving 2009, this has caused some confusion among my friends.
One day in December, I complained to a friend that Tiger had walked into my office, sat at my feet, and meowed loudly while I was on a conference call. She looked puzzled and asked, “Are you one of his many paramours?”
NO! Not that Tiger. Tiger, the cat!
A month later, after a long trip to the vet, I told another friend that Tiger had gotten in a fight, had a festering abscess on his face, and was under house arrest.
What fun not to specify which Tiger I was talking about. Although they are two different creatures — different species in fact — they also share a few traits.
So with golf season upon us, I present here a list of similarities and differences: Tiger the cat versus Tiger the golfer.
- Tiger the golfer often hits birdies. Tiger the cat catches them.
- Tiger the golfer has earned many trophies. Tiger the cat leaves his on the doorstep.
- Tiger the cat likes to lie down. Tiger the golfer likes to get laid.
- Tiger the cat is fixed.
- Both like to prowl at night.
- Both like to chase tail.
- Both like to be petted and stroked even though neither deserves this much attention.
- When it comes to hunting, neither has demonstrated restraint.
- Despite his behavior, Tiger is a much-loved cat. Can the same be said of Tiger, the golfer?


Anonymous said...

I like the boudoir shot of T-the-C; much more charming/demure than those of the babes-with-benefits of T-the-G. Ellen

Betsy said...

Too-much loved, I'd say. Perhaps he was never meant to be domesticated.